This adorable sweet and salty treat is perfect for your child’s classroom! They work great on a holiday cookie tray, too!

Reindeer Chocolate Covered Pretzels
My favorite day of the year is our son’s Christmas program! There is absolutely nothing better than the sound of children enthusiastically singing Christmas songs and nothing cuter than little ones rocking it out! I just can’t help but beam with pride and excitement as I watch them perform a much rehearsed play. It is good for the soul!
This is the time of year where I try to narrow down what to send to school with my son to share with his classmates. It was hard to decide between Oreo Ornament Cookies, Gnome Cookie Cups, Reindeer Oreos, or Melted Snowman Bark. But I finally decided on these cute little Reindeer Pretzels! This idea came from In Katrina’s Kitchen! She has so many cute ideas you should check out!

What You’ll Need:
- 48 Mini Pretzel Rods
- 11.5 oz bag Chocolate Chips
- 48 Small Candy Eyes
- 24 Red M&M’s

How to Make Reindeer Pretzels
- Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Pour chocolate chips into a microwave safe bowl and microwave in 30 second increments, removing the bowl to stir between each 30 second interval. Repeat microwaving and stirring until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.
- Pour melted chocolate into a glass, this makes dunking easier.
- Place 2 mini-pretzel rods side by side and dunk into the melted chocolate half way down the pretzel rods. Allow extra to drip off into the glass.
- Place onto parchment paper.
- Put candy eyes in place, followed by the M&M for the nose.
- Repeat until desired number is reached. Let sit until hardened.

More Christmas Candy:
- Pecan Pralines
- Peanut Brittle
- Butter Toffee Pretzels
- Almond Bark Clusters
- Candy Bar Pretzel Bites
- Rolo Pretzel Turtles
- Blizzard Party Mix
- Melted Snowman Bark

Reindeer Pretzels

Reindeer Pretzels, this adorable sweet and salty treat is perfect for your child's classroom! They work great on a holiday cookie tray, too!
- 48 Mini Pretzel Rods
- 11.5 oz bag Chocolate Chips
- 48 small Candy Eyes
- 24 Red M&M's
- Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Pour chocolate chips into a microwave safe bowl and microwave in 30 second increments, removing the bowl to stir between each 30 second interval. Repeat microwaving and stirring until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.
- Pour melted chocolate into a glass, this makes dunking easier.
- Place 2 mini-pretzel rods side by side and dunk into the melted chocolate half way down the pretzel rods. Allow extra to drip off into the glass.
- Place onto parchment paper.
- Put candy eyes in place, followed by the M&M for the nose.
- Repeat until desired number is reached. Let sit until hardened.