A cute and simple gift to give kids on St. Patrick’s Day! Help them ‘plant’ these rainbow seeds!

St. Patrick’s Day Treat Bag Topper
I am not lucky, I am blessed. Every time I find myself complaining about something, I try to remember just how blessed I am and I refocus my thinking on those blessings.
Luck is when I drop a can and it barely missed my toe or when a pie plate I really, really wanted was out of stock and was surprisingly restocked the next time I checked.
Blessings are when my husband cares enough to get up extra early to shovel the driveway or when a friend goes out of their way to stop and grab something from my house that I forgot. Those blessings, my friends and family, are gifts from God. They are not luck. And I praise Him every day for the many, many gifts He has given me!
The next time you feel like everything is going wrong in your life, start thinking about the things that are going right. You’ll find that list is a lot longer and you’re positive outlook will help you get through anything!
Be a blessing and brighten someone’s day with these cute Rainbow Seeds Free Printable Bag Toppers! If you’re really feeling generous, bake them some Mint Oreo Brownies or Grasshopper Mint Cookies, too!

What You’ll Need:
- White Cardstock
- Skittles
- Treat Bags (Size 4″ x 6″) with Adhesive Strip
- Stapler
- Rainbow Seeds Free Printable Bag Topper
How to Make Rainbow Seeds Treat Bags
- Print the bag toppers on white card stock.
- Cut them out and fold in half, corner to corner.
- Fill each treat bag with Skittles.
- Fold over the top of the bag, remove the adhesive strip cover, and seal to the side of the bag.
- Then place the folded bag topper over the top of the bag and staple to the sides of the bag.
Print Free Bag Toppers
Just click and print!

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